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        4                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE



        Eating two servings of avocados
        a week linked to lower risk of
        cardiovascular disease

        A 30-year study of more   today in the Journal of the   “Our study provides further   disease and stroke at   of avocado each week
        than 110,000 health profes-  American Heart Asso-  evidence that the intake of   the start of the study and   had a 16% lower risk
        sionals found that partic-  ciation, an open access,   plant-sourced unsaturat-  living in the United States.   of cardiovascular dis-
        ipants who ate at least   peer-reviewed journal of   ed fats can improve diet   Researchers document-   ease and a 21% lower
        two servings of avocado   the American Heart Asso-  quality and is an important   ed 9,185 coronary heart   risk of coronary heart
        a week had a lower risk   ciation.                component in cardiovas-  disease events and 5,290     disease, compared
        of cardiovascular disease                         cular disease prevention,”   strokes during more than   to those who never or
        compared to those who    Avocados contain dietary   said Lorena S. Pacheco,   30 years of follow-up.    rarely ate avocados.
        rarely ate avocados.     fiber, unsaturated fats es-  Ph.D., Harvard T.H. Chan   Researchers assessed par-
                                 pecially monounsaturated   School of Public Health in   ticipants’ diet using food     ¸  Based on statistical
        Replacing animal products   fat (healthy fats) and other   Boston. “These are par-  frequency questionnaires   modeling, replacing
        like butter, cheese, or ba-  favorable components   ticularly notable findings   given at the beginning of   half a serving daily of
        con with avocado was also   that have been associated   since the consumption of   the study and then every   margarine, butter, egg,
        associated with a lower risk   with good cardiovascular   avocados has risen steeply   four years. They calculat-  yogurt, cheese or pro-
        of cardiovascular disease   health. Clinical trials have   in the U.S. in the last 20   ed avocado intake from   cessed meats such as
        events.                                           years, according to data   a questionnaire item that
                                 previously found avocados   from the U.S. Department   asked about the amount   bacon with the same
                                 have a positive impact on                                                      amount of avocado
        Eating two or more                                of Agriculture.”         consumed and frequency.
        servings of avocado      cardiovascular risk factors                       One serving equaled half of   was associated with
        weekly was associated    including high cholesterol.  For 30 years, researchers   an avocado or a half cup of   a 16% to 22% lower
        with a lower risk of car-                         followed more than 68,780   avocado.                  risk of cardiovascular
        diovascular disease, and   Researchers believe this   women (ages 30 to 55                              disease events.
        substituting avocado for   is the first, large, pro-  years) from the Nurses’   THE ANALYSIS FOUND:
        certain fat-containing   spective study to support   Health Study and more                              ¸  Substituting half
        foods like butter, cheese,   the positive association   than 41,700 men (ages     ¸  After considering a   a serving a day of
        or processed meats was   between higher avocado   40 to 75 years) from the     wide range of cardi-     avocado for the equiv-
        associated with a low-   consumption and lower    Health Professionals         ovascular risk factors   alent amount of olive
        er risk of cardiovascular   cardiovascular events, such   Follow-up Study. All study   and overall diet, study   oil, nuts and other
        disease events, according   as coronary heart disease   participants were free of   participants who ate   plant oils showed no
        to new research published   and stroke.           cancer, coronary heart       at least two servings    additional benefit.
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