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        2                                                                                 HEALTH AND LABORATORY MAGAZINE

                                      HUMMINGBIRDS MAY
             No: 10 June 2022
               ISSN: 2148-953X
                                      STRUGGLE TO EVADE
               CHAIRMAN               CLIMATE CHANGE
             Süleyman GÜLER
              Berat DURMAZ

            GRAPHIC DESIGNER        New research shows that
              Berat DURMAZ
                                    hummingbirds would struggle to cope
             ADVISORY BOARD         if climate changes drives them to
         Professor Dr. Kadir HALKMAN
            Professor Dr. Aziz EKŞİ  much higher elevations.
              Melek MALKOÇ
             Exp. Yelda ZENCİR
            Özlem Etiz SAĞDAŞ
              Nevin KOÇAKER
                                 Any animal ascending a   that height – in addition to   (3800m/12,500 feet) where   they use torpor when its
             LEGAL ADVISORS      mountain experiences a   becoming torpid for most   the air is thinner (39% less   super-cold, which is cool,”
            Hunting. Ersan BARKIN  double whammy of diffi-  of the night to conserve   oxygen) and colder (5°C),
           Hunting. Murat TEZCAN                                                                            says Spence. And when
                                 culties: the air gets thinner   energy – making it unlikely   and after 4 days at the   the team checked the size
          FINANCIAL CONSULTANT   while it also becomes    that they can relocate to   new altitude, Spence and   of the animals’ lungs, to
              İrfan BOZYİĞİT     colder, which is particularly   higher altitudes.  LeWinter remeasured the
                 SMMM                                                                                       find out whether the birds
                                 problematic for creatures                         birds’ metabolic rates as   that originated from higher
              HEAD OFFICE        striving to keep warm when   To find out how the agile   they hovered and how
         Oğuzlar Mah. 1374 Sok. No:2/4    less oxygen is available.   aeronauts fared at high   often and deeply the birds   altitudes had larger lungs
           Balgat - Ankara TURKEY  For tiny animals with the   altitudes, Spence first lured   went into torpor as they   to compensate for their
            Tel: +90 312 342 22 45  highest-octane lives, such   the animals into net traps,   slumbered.   meager oxygen supply,
            Fax: +90312 342 22 46
     as hovering hummingbirds,   from sites 10m (33 feet)                       they did not. But the birds
                                 the challenges of migrating   above sea level (Sacra-  Even though the hovering   did have larger hearts to
                                 to higher levels to evade   mento, CA) up to 2,400m   hummingbirds should have   circulate oxygen around
                                 climate change may be    (7,900 feet) (Mammoth    been working harder to   the body.
                                 too much, but no one knew   Lakes, CA). Then he and   remain aloft in the thin air
                                 whether these incredible   Hannah LeWinter (Hum-  1000m above their natural   What does this mean for
                                 aviators may have more   boldt State University, USA)   range, the birds actually
                                 gas in the tank to keep   transported them to an   experienced a 37% drop in   the hummingbird’s future
       them flying at higher alti-  aviary in western Califor-  their metabolic rate. And   as climate change forces
      tudes.                   nia at 1,215m (4,000 feet).   when the team compared   them to find more com-
                                                          Once the birds had spent a   the energy used by birds   fortable conditions? “Our
                                 As Anna’s hummingbirds   few days in their new home,   that originated close to   results suggest lower oxy-
                                 (Calypte anna) are com-  the scientists set up a tiny   sea level and from the   gen availability and low air
              DATE OF ISSUE      fortable up to elevations   funnel into which the birds   higher end of their range,   pressure may be difficult
           February 2022 - Ankara
                                 of 2,800 m (9200 feet),   could insert their heads as   they all struggled equal-  challenges to overcome
           NOTE TO THE READER    Austin Spence from the   they hovered while sipping   ly on the mountain top.   for hummingbirds,” says
          Published in the Labmedya   University of Connecticut,   tasty syrup, and measured   “Overall, these results   Spence, meaning that the
            Newspaper featured   USA, and Morgan Tingley   the birds’ O2 consumption   suggest low air pressure
            in articles and articles   from the University of   (metabolic rate).  and oxygen availability   birds will likely have to shift
           Responsibility of opinions                                                                       north in search of cooler
          Broadcast LabMedya not to   California, Los Angeles,                     may reduce hovering per-
          its body and / or Prosigma   USA, were curious to find   Spence and LeWinter also   formance in hummingbirds   climes.
           Company, belongs to the   out how hummingbirds   measured the humming-  when exposed to the acute
          authors. Authors may have   that originated from close   bird’s CO2 production   challenge of high-elevation   Reference: “Anna’s hum-
         consultancy or other business
          relationships with companies   to sea level and those that   (another measure of   conditions,” says Spence.  mingbird (Calypte anna)
           involved in their work. Ads   live at the loftier end of the   metabolic rate) overnight,        physiological response to
          also; is the responsibility of   range would cope when   as the tiny creatures al-  In addition to struggling to   novel thermal and hypoxic
           advertisers. The product   transported well above   lowed their metabolism to   hover, the birds resorted to
          information published on the                                                                      conditions at high eleva-
          product introduction pages   their natural habitat to an   tumble when they became   dropping their metabolic   tions” by Austin R. Spence,
          are the presentations of the   altitude of 3,800m (12,500   torpid – a form of mini   rate and became torpid
          relevant companies and the   feet). They published their   hibernation – to conserve   for lengthier periods at   Hannah LeWinter and
          manufacturer Responsibility.                                                                      Morgan W. Tingley, 26 May
                                 discovery in the Journal of   energy while they slept.   night, spending more than
          In addition to the Labmedya  Experimental Biology that   Then, the duo relocat-  87.5% of the chilly high-al-  2022, Journal of Experi-
                                 the birds struggle to hover   ed the birds to a nearby   titude night in torpor. “It   mental Biology.
                                 and suffer a 37% drop in   research station near the   means that even if they’re
              WHAT IS LABMEDYA ?
       their metabolic rate at   peak of Mount Barcroft, CA   from a warm or cool spot,   DOI: 10.1242/jeb.243294
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