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        YOUR DAILY DOSE OF SCIENCE                                                                                              5

        dietary restriction can ex-  Since the eyes are exposed
        tend lifespan. For example,   to the outside world, he
        they set up experiments   explained, the immune
        showing that keeping flies   defenses there are critically
        in constant darkness ex-  active, which can lead to
        tended their lifespan. “That   inflammation, which, when
        seemed very strange to   present for long periods of
        us,” said Hodge. “We had   time, can cause or wors-
        thought flies needed the   en a variety of common
        lighting cues to be rhyth-  chronic diseases. Addition-
        mic, or circadian.”      ally, light in itself can cause
                                 photoreceptor degen-
                                 eration which can cause
        They then used bioin-
        formatics to ask: Do the   inflammation.
        genes in the eye that are   “Staring at computer and   health and lifespan of an   since photoreceptors are   said Hodge, adding that
                                                                                                            it may be that humans
                                                                                   just specialized neurons,
                                                          organism, including: how
        also rhythmic and respon-  phone screens, and being   does the eye regulate   he said, “the stronger link I   could help maintain vision
        sive to dietary restriction   exposed to light pollution   lifespan, and does the   would argue is the role that   by activating the clocks
        influence lifespan? The   well into the night are con-  same effect apply to other   circadian function plays in   within our eyes. “It might be
        answer was “yes, they do.”  ditions very disturbing for   organisms?       neurons in general, espe-  through diet, drugs, lifestyle
                                 circadian clocks,” Kapahi                         cially with dietary restric-  changes… A lot of really
        “We always think of the eye   said. “It messes up protec-  The biggest question   tions, and how these can   interesting research lies
        as something that serves   tion for the eye and that   raised by this work as it   be harnessed to maintain   ahead,” he said.
        us, to provide vision. We   could have consequences   might apply to humans is,   neuronal function through-
        don’t think of it as some-  beyond just the vision,   simply, do photoreceptors   out aging.”       Reference: “Dietary restric-
        thing that must be protect-  damaging the rest of the   in mammals affect longev-                   tion and the transcription
        ed to protect the whole   body and the brain.”    ity? Probably not as much   Once researchers under-  factor clock delay eye
        organism,” said Kapahi,                           as in fruit flies, said Hodge,   stand how these processes   aging to extend lifespan in
        who is also an associate   There is much to be un-  noting that the majority   are working, they can begin   Drosophila” 7 June 2022,
        adjunct professor of urolo-  derstood about the role   of energy in a fruit fly is   to target the molecular   Nature Communications.
        gy at UCSF.              the eye plays in the overall   devoted to the eye. But   clock to decelerate aging,

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